Hila Melamed is a screen and stage star in the making. Hila is an Israeli ethnic actress originally from the Middle East. In this time of turmoil in the world, Hila’s part and voice in the film industry turns even more important and significant than ever.
Upon seeing her in a production, you would assume Hila Melamed was shaped by the acting God’s themselves.
Hila Melamed is more than just another actress, she is a future star in the making, so whether you are a director, producer, and future audience member: keep an eye out for Ms. Melamed, she is sure to have you on the edge of your seat or casting chair.
Celebrity Talk Australia

צרו קשר
Levana Hakim Agency: Levana@levanahakim.co.il \ Tel: 03-6855995
Direct Contact: Hialmelamed@yahoo.com \ Tel: 053-2317353